Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Lab 5: Nomenclature Puzzle

Lab 5: Nomenclature Puzzle

The finished puzzle
The purpose of this lab was to practice using nomenclature through matching chemical formulas to their chemical names.

The biggest challenge of this activity was placing the groups my partner and I had matched into the entire puzzle. We started by making pairs and then moved onto fitting those pairs into the entire puzzle. After we'd made all of the small groups we could have possibly made, we then moved onto forming the entire puzzle. This was where we faced the hardest part of this lab, which was making already existing pieces into even bigger pieces. It was hard and time-consuming to look through all of the pieces to find where the next group would fit. Also, we ran into problems here because if we calculated inaccurately, we'd waste time looking for a non-existent puzzle piece. However, we persevered and finished the puzzle. I would not change this method, the only thing I would change would be how long I spent identifying which pieces needed to be found in order to determine what exactly we needed to be searching for. 

I believe the biggest contribution I made to the lab was my leadership. In this lab, I worked hard to try and lead the group to what steps we needed to take in order to solve the puzzle. For example, I worked to identify which pieces would be easiest to find/solve for so that we could work more quickly. I also solved many of the equations to ensure accuracy, even though some of them were inaccurate. I also worked to check my partner's work for accuracy, because two eyes are better than one. 

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